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   Sally Chengji Xing (PhD, Columbia University) is a visiting fellow of the Max Planck Institute of History of Science (Berlin) and the University of Göttingen in the project “Worldmaking from a Global Perspective: A Dialogue with China.” She is now the associate professor at Nankai University and fellow of Nankai’s “Hundred Young Academic Leaders Program”. Before joining the Faculty of History at Nankai University, Sally studied at US history Tsinghua University (2008-2013), Peking University (2013-5), and was a residential fellow at Robert H. Smith International Center in Virginia (2017). She has taught US history as a graduate teaching fellow at Purdue University (2015-6), Columbia University (2017-2021), and served as an undergraduate advisor at the American Studies Center at Columbia University (2018-22).

   Sally writes in both English and Chinese, and has published numerous academic reviews, journal articles and public history writings on topics of US history and transnational history. She also co-translated Akira Iriye’s Global and Transnational History into Chinese, and edited an interview with leading Americanists entitled History in Practice, a project twice won the History in Action Award of the Mellon Foundation. As a researcher, she is interested in looking at US history and history of science from transnational and global perspectives. Her book manuscript in progress, “Pacific Crossings” (based on her dissertation at Columbia University in the City of New York: examines how and to what extent American intellectuals in the first half of the twentieth century influenced the development of Chinese science. Her multi-archival research in China and the United States was funded by the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR), the Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research, the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, Rockefeller Archive Center, the Consortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine and by other graduate research fellowships at Columbia University in the City of New York.  

   Sally became interested in the Sino-American intellectual exchanges network behind the China Foundation network when she resided in Morningside Heights since 2016. At Columbia, Sally worked closely with Professors Mae Ngai, Casey Blake, Eric Foner, Ira Katznelson, Victoria de Grazia, Alice Kessler-Harris, Richard John and Marwa Elshakry. At MPIWG in Berlin, she is a member of the Lise Meitner Research Group "China in the Global System of Science”. She works on three research projects with her colleagues, on 1) the history of the China Foundation, 2) Digitalizing the China Foundation Social Network (with Dr. Chen Shih-Pei), and 3) “The Entry of India and China into the Global Production of Scientific Knowledge” (with Profs. Drs. Arnab Rai Choudhuri and Erik Baark).

   Her long-term research explores Sino-American intellectual history in transnational approaches, from early 20th century all the way to the late 1960s. At Peking University, as an MA student in the field of US history, Sally studied Thomas Paine’s transatlantic experiences in Britain, France and the United States at Peking University, and went to Robert H. Smith International Center for Thomas Jefferson Studies as a residential fellow. After finishing the research on the China Foundation, Sally will plan to launch her research project on "the Two Toms Paradox” together with Dr. Li Haimo. This project explores how Chinese intellectuals since the early twentieth century have understood republicanism and the paradoxes of American democracy.

   邢承吉,美国哥伦比亚大学美国历史博士、理查德·霍夫斯塔特学者(2016-2021),曾任德国马普学会科学史研究所、德国哥廷根大学访问学人,现为南开大学历史学院副教授、百名青年学科带头人、硕士生导师。邢承吉的研究领域为美国思想史、跨国史与全球史,曾在《历史研究》、《读书》、《全球史评论》、《文汇报·文汇学人》等发表论文、学术综述、书评、公共史学、访谈二十余篇,合作翻译译著两本(已出版与滕凯炜合译的入江昭著《跨国史与全球史》),其策划和主编的美国史访谈集《实践历史学》即将由商务印书馆出版。这一阶段,她正致力于研究围绕中华教育文化基金董事会的跨国思想史和中美科技史的中英文书稿《跨越太平洋》(Pacific Crossings)。 《跨越太平洋》通过中基会追溯中美思想交流的网络,探讨美国知识分子(尤其是哥大师院的保罗·孟禄、洛克菲勒基金会的顾临、哥伦比亚大学的杜威、燕京大学的司徒雷登等)在何种程度上影响了中国近代的科学教育与研究,他们又如何与胡适、蒋梦麟、张伯苓、郭秉文、任鸿隽等中国知识分子互动与对话,反过来改变和塑造了美国对中国及自身的看法。邢承吉关于中基会和中美思想史的研究曾获得the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR), the Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research, the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, Rockefeller Archive Center, the Consortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Columbia University, Max Planck Institute for History of Science等机构的资助;该研究的部分成果也曾在南开大学“格拉丹东”美国史青年工作坊、武汉大学历史学院、上海师范大学光启中心、全国优秀青年学人年度论坛“发明现代:西方近代史中的观念、知识和行动”、“跨国史视域下的欧美史研究”、哥伦比亚大学(Columbia) 、康奈尔大学(Cornell)、美国外交史年会(SHAFR)、美国历史学家年会(Organization of American History, OAH)、马克斯普朗克科技史所(MPIWG)、哥廷根大学(University of Göttingen)、海德堡大学(Heidelberg University)等地报告和交流,并计划将在马普学会、History and Translation Network (HTN, Austria, Graz,2024)和美国历史学家组织年会(American Historical Association, AHA,2025)上就相关话题做最新的研究报告。

哥伦比亚大学历史系  US history (PhD.) (2023年)
哥伦比亚大学历史系  US history (Mphil.)( 2020年)
哥伦比亚大学历史系  US history (MA.)( 2018年)
北京大学历史系 美国史(硕士) (2015年)
清华大学历史系 世界史(学士) (2013年)

德国马克斯普朗克科技史研究所 访问学者(2023年5月-2023年11月)
德国哥廷根大学 访问学者(2023年5月-7月)
美国哥伦比亚大学 博士生讲师  (2017年9月-2022年1月)
美国哥伦比亚大学美国研究中心 本科生导师(2018年9月-2022年1月)
美国普渡大学历史系 研究生助教 (2015年9月-16年5月)